Minecraft vs. Lego Worlds: Which Building Game is Better

August 10, 2022


Are you a fan of block-building games? Do you have a creative streak and just love to build stuff? If so, then you've probably heard of Minecraft and Lego Worlds. In this post, we’ll be comparing the two building games to see which one is better. From graphics and gameplay to building mechanics, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of Minecraft and Lego Worlds.


When it comes to graphics, both games have their unique styles. Minecraft has its classic blocky look that fans have grown to love. Lego Worlds, on the other hand, is more polished, with smoother graphics and textures.

While Minecraft's graphics may appear basic, they have a charm that appeals to many players. However, Lego Worlds' advanced graphics and detailed environments give it a more polished look.

Winner: Tie


Gameplay is where Minecraft and Lego Worlds differ the most. Minecraft is a sandbox game that has a survival mode where players must gather resources and fend off enemies to survive. Lego Worlds, on the other hand, is more focused on exploration and building.

Minecraft has a vast crafting system that lets players create different items and tools. Players can also build their own world using a variety of different blocks. In Lego Worlds, players can explore different worlds and build structures using Lego bricks.

Both games offer a lot of creative freedom, but Minecraft's survival mode and crafting system make it more engaging.

Winner: Minecraft

Building Mechanics

When it comes to building mechanics, Lego Worlds takes the edge. Lego Worlds' building system is more advanced, allowing players to build structures of any size and shape. Players can also copy and paste structures they've created, which is a huge time-saver.

Minecraft's building system is more limited, with blocks that only come in certain sizes and shapes. However, gamers can download mods that improve the building mechanics.

Winner: Lego Worlds


Both games have multiplayer modes, and players can enjoy building with friends. Minecraft's multiplayer mode is more straightforward, allowing players to connect to other players' worlds easily. Lego Worlds' multiplayer mode is less convenient, requiring players to enter a friend code to play together.

Winner: Minecraft


So, which is better: Minecraft or Lego Worlds? Ultimately, it comes down to your preference. If you prefer a game with survival elements and a deep crafting system, Minecraft is for you. However, if you enjoy exploring different worlds and want more advanced building mechanics, then Lego Worlds is the way to go.


  1. Minecraft
  2. Lego Worlds

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